DARK is a german science fiction, thriller, mystery web television series by Netflix.
Netflix has released it's third and final season recently on 27 June 2020. It gained popularity among viewers due to its outstanding ending of season 3.
DARK is based on mostly time travel. Many impressing quotes are also spoken in this show though. It's time travels also makes these quotes mind boggling.
Here are these quotes :
- There is no such thing as magic, just illusion. Things only change when we change them. But you have to do it skillfully, in secret. Then it seems like magic.
- God has a plan for every human being.
- We are all full of sin. No pure human being exists. But no matter what we do, we never fall any lower than into God’s hands.
If I now change my past, I will change who I am right now.
- The world is full of such paradoxes we simply choose to ignore them most of the time.
- We all face the same end. Those above have long forgotten us. They do not judge us. In death I am all alone, and my only judge… is me.
- We’re not free in what we do because we’re not free in what we want. We can’t overcome what’s deep within us.
- A man lives three lives. The first one ends with the loss of naivety, the second, with the loss of innocence and the third… with the loss of life itself. It’s inevitable that we go through all three stages.
- “In the end we will all get just what we deserve.”
- Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard led by an unknown hand.
- Your pain defines who you are but it no longer holds power on you.
And my favorite one :
I dreamt I was a butterfly. Now I’ve woken up and I no longer know if I’m a person who dreamed he’s a butterfly or if I’m a butterfly who’s dreaming it’s a person.
- I dreamt I was a butterfly. Now I’ve woken up and I no longer know if I’m a person who dreamed he’s a butterfly or if I’m a butterfly who’s dreaming it’s a person.
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