
Genre : Horror, Action, thriller, Zombie
Created by :  Patrick Graham
Starring : Vineet Kumar Singh, Aahana Kumra, Suchitra Pillai
Original language : Hindi
No. of seasons : 1
No. of episodes : 4 (list of episodes)
Production company(s) : Blumhouse Productions, Red Chillies Entertainment, SK Global Entertainment
Distributor : Netflix
IMDb : 5.8/10
My rating : 6/10

What happens to the body after death? Usually, it is buried in the ground or it is burnt according to different cultures and religions. But some storytellers have a different view about the corpses.

Imagine a corpse coming alive  livand hunting beings to eat them and convert them into one of them. Isn't it terrifying?

Many books and movies have been created on these alive corpses called zombies. Indian cinemas are also trying to make good movies on zombies but they have not been succesful yet.

Well, Netflix has brought us a indian zombie web series named 'Betaal'. They presented it in a Indian way. They tried to arouse a feeling of patriotism among viewers by making a Britisher, leader of zombies who harnessed the power from a Indian devil god 'Betaal'. Thus, web series is named after it.

Netflix, you are making a mistake by underestimating Indian audience. They are way more smarter than you think. Can you please come up with better stories.

Most actors are good except few. I personally did not liked the acting of Commandent Tyagi (Suchitra Pillai) and that girl Saanvi. 

It created thrill and suspense in the beginning. End was very much predictable. A zombie can be seen talking and presenting emotions which is new was never featured in previous zombie movies or books. (Correct me if I am wrong here. Do mention that movie or book name.) Improvement in representaion of zombies was needed. Body parts of zombies did not looked like a rotten corpse but seemed like plastic specially the eyes. It exactely looked like a red bulb.

The story begins with a corrupt builder trying to open a closed  tunnel in a hill called 'Betaal Pahaad' in a remote village of India. The villagers were stopping him from doing so due to some curse on that hill. That builder hired CIPD force  to deal with the villagers and clear his way to open the closed tunnel by feeding money to the commander of the force Mrs Tyagi. 

The force leaded by Vikram Sirohi (Vineet Kumar Singh) destroyed the village and moved towards the tunnel. But, some villagers blocked their way. The force misjudged the villagers after hearing a bomb blast as naxals and open fired on them and held two villagers captives. Workers opened the tunnel and went inside but didn't returned. Some members of the force including Mrs Tyagi went inside of the tunnel to check for the workers. They saw a shape of man like a British soldier and were attacked by them. Sirohi and a fellow soldier went inside and were also attacked by some weird shapes but somehow he managed to rescue Mrs Tyagi. 

They were chased away by an army but somehow they managed hide in a dilapidated building. The locals explained Sirohi that they are not Naxals rather than they were army of the dead created by British Indian Army officer Lt. Col John Lynedoch given by the power of black magic given Indian devil god 'Betaal'. The zombies demanded the builder's daughter Saanvi for sacrifice to unleash their full power. Meanwhile, dead bodies of martyred soldiers and a injured soldier became zombies and attacked on Saanvi. The builder made a deal with Lt. Col John Lynedoch in which he opened the rear doors for zombies to come in. Somehow, they managed to escape from zombies.

 Later, Sirohi was hypnotized by Lt. Col John Lynedoch who was in body of Mrs Tyagi and he took Saanvi with him to sacrifice her. But, he redeemed himself from his control and stopped himself from killing her. Sirohi attacked on Lt. Col John Lynedoch's ghost but lost. But, Saanvi had a bomb detonator of a bomb which was in his father's hand who was also in that tunnel. Finally, Saanvi detonated that bomb and ended the zombie's havoc. Soon, they realized that Betaal's temple should have not been destroyed as it will create a danger for country.

There is a  chance that season 2 will be released. A memory of Sirohi is also showed sideways in which he kills an innocent small girl. 



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